Sarah & Winnie
Age: 2 years
Sex: Female
These two rambunctious cats are very energetic and curious - no spot in your home will be left unexplored! They love tuna, playing with toys, and sweet kisses on the nose. They go absolutely nuts when playing together and will race at high speeds across the room to fly up the cat trees. They both hate closed doors, sudden loud noises, rules of any kind and you going out without them. Winnie (front) is on the calmer side. She's independent but quite chatty, and she adores birdwatching. She exclusively likes to drink from your water glass. Sarah 'The Purring Machine' on the other hand enjoys being in your arms and just generally in your presence. She expects to play with the running water while you wash your hands. Beware, she is OBSESSED with plants and she WILL EAT THEM! Though these two sound like unruly teenagers, they’re both incredibly sweet, and you will find yourself endeared at the way they come and find you, their favourite person, while purring and smiling, to rub against your leg and gently ask for love. Sarah and Winnie must be adopted together and would like a home without dogs.