Doc&Binky |ADOPTED
DOB: September 21 2021
Doc and Binky are almost like fire and ice. Binky meets everyone with good intentions and will joyfully flop from side to side exposing her belly to you, whereas Doc will stay in the shadows and kind of observe what you’re like. Binky is a big sucker for cuddles and will want to be all over you at all times. Doc will wait till you extend your hand to her so she could gracefully put her chin in the palm of your hand and let you scratch it. If you do something that Doc deems as weird or unpleasant she will let you know immediately by gently yet suddenly biting your finger. She will proceed to apologize by licking your finger non stop right after. Guilty conscience gets the best of her.
UPDATE: Doc and Binky are just getting used to the Cat Forest and all its visitors. The two love attention, but you have to approach them slowly. Both love lap time! The closer to you they get the better! Binky likes to give kisses on the chin💕
The two are a bonded pair. They would have to be adopted together.